
Many women experience vulval and vaginal discomfort throughout their lives.

During the perimenopause and menopause hormonal changes cause the tissues of the vulva and vagina to become thinner, drier and less flexible. This can cause symptoms of pain and itching and means a greater chance of vaginal infections and urinary problems. It can also make sexual intercourse painful. Many of these issues can be solved easily and safely with vaginal moisturisers and vaginal oestrogen, and Myla Health can help find the right choices for you.

Other women have problems with their bladder or with a prolapse that they can feel in the vaginal area. Sometimes skin conditions like dermatitis or lichen sclerosis can cause vulval symptoms. We can offer advice and treatment and refer onwards to a women’s health physiotherapist, gynaecologist or dermatologist, if needed.

Examination facilities are not currently available at Hove Therapy Rooms. All other clinic locations have examination facilities.